
Below collections is a list of all the collection cycle years for your project, either completed or in progress. Clicking on the link for each collection cycle gives you access to collection progress and metrics, important documents and files, and a notification center for project communications.


1. Software Links
If you’re a licensed user of PathWeb and/or PathPoints, click the link to navigate to your hosted web-based application.

2. Software and Files
While we have baseline functions for each software application, custom development has been key to meeting the specific pavement management needs of our clients. Each PathRunner is also configured to client specification. We keep all of your custom software versions and PathRunner files organized here so that it’s simple to get the most recent versions of the files you need.

3. Training Manuals
Software manuals are provided to get you working with your collected data as quickly as possible. These manuals will provide you with detailed instructions for processing and reporting data using PathView and viewing and analyzing hosted data using PathWeb and PathPoints. And if you have purchased a PathRunner, a Quick Start Guide and comprehensive equipment hardware and software manuals are provided to get you on the road collecting data as quickly as possible.

4. Submit a Ticket
Every now and then, some additional PathRunner support is needed. If you own a PathRunner, use the online ticketing system to create, track and see the progress of support tickets for your PathRunners.

5. How-To-Videos
Sometimes it’s easier to watch a video than make a call or create a support ticket, so we have created a library of Training Videos covering a number of topics, including performing common PathRunner operations and using the various available desktop and web-based software applications.

6. Contact Us
If you have time, so do we. Simply reach out to us using the "Contact Us" form. We’ll be happy to get in touch as soon as we can.